Why Use an Agent to Sell
Your Home?

Using an agent will maximise your price, reduce your stress & take the emotion out of the sales process.  The right agent maybe the best decision you can make when selling your home.

Firstly ask yourself

  • Do you have the knowledge & personality?
  • Do you know all the complexities of selling homes?
  • Do you really understand the property market?
  • Do you have the contacts & marketing experience?
  • Do you really have the time to take off work?
  • Do you understand all the regulations, laws & paperwork?

Selling Real Estate is not for the faint of heart
A real estate agent will be able to provide you with an unemotional valuation for your home. You will also be provided a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis), that provides a complete market analysis to base a valuation on.  This is knowledge & research the average home seller would not be able to access.

A good agent will have experience of what features buyers in the area are looking for and be able to tell you whether it is worth making changes to improve the appeal of your home to achieve a higher price.

Marketing your home
Your estate agent should arrange for your property to be professionally photographed, get an accurate floor plan drawn up and write a detailed, accurate, attractive description of your home to be used in the brochure, its shop window & on property portals.

Agents will vary in their approach to marketing.  You need to discuss your options, and decide together the best way to market your property.

This may include.
(Can you really do all this yourself?)

  • Signage
  • Emails and Social media.
  • Video Tours.and 3D walk through.
  • Flyers, brochures and Letterbox drops.
  • Ads in newspapers or magazines.
  • Agent Website.
  • A floor plan can also help to sell your home.

An agent can help you style & stage your home for better results.

Conduct viewings
Your agent will arrange viewings of your home & guide potential buyers around the property answering any questions people have.

Once your property is on the books with an estate agent they may have a list of potential buyers who have expressed an interest in a property like yours that they will call to market your home to.

An agent may also arrange an open house for your property where numerous buyers visit during a specific time period.

The advantage of using an agent to conduct viewings on your behalf is they are seen as a more neutral party by potential buyers who may ask them questions that they would be embarrassed to ask the owner themselves.

Managing Negotiations
A key part of an agent’s job is to manage negotiations & act as a go-between for any potential buyers & the owner of a property.

Offers should be made to the estate agent who will pass them on to the owner and, similarly, relay the seller’s response to any offer submitted.

A good agent will really worth their fee by helping make sure that the offer moves forward, chasing paperwork, solving issues & working to ensure the sale process is as smooth as possible all the way till final settlement.